
Save Your Sanity and Supper with Dinnerly!

Macaroni Kid Evans Product Review

By Monica Seabourn, Macaroni Kid Evans Publisher Mom August 9, 2019

Yep, once again, while juggling housework, after school activities, and everything between, you forgot to run by the grocery for that ONE ingredient you needed for dinner. If you’re like me, you end up scrambling to fix a replacement dinner (that no one wants to eat), or you’re stuck ordering pizza for what seems like the millionth time. Well now it’s time to leave those days of missing ingredients and subpar pizza in the past and subscribe to Dinnerly! Get everything you need for awesome, family-friendly meals without the stress of dragging your kids to the grocery store. Because let’s be real, no one honestly wants to do that!


Dinnerly delivers everything you need to take the guesswork and stress out of family dinners! Every week, Dinnerly offers up a variety of delicious dishes to choose from with convenience and select dietary needs in mind. You can also choose your meal portions so you can select the size that is perfect for your family. Each ingredient that’s needed is sent to you (minus pantry staples like salt, pepper, and oils) to keep you from searching every grocery in town for spice blends, veggie varieties, or any specialty items. With the option of digital or print at home, the recipe cards help to walk you through it all, step by step. There are even pictures if you’re not too sure what a cooking term means. Trust me, I’m the furthest from even being a decent cook, and I was able to whip up great looking and tasting meals!


The convenience alone won me over, but the meals are so good! We chose Asian Grilled Pork Tenderloin, Creamy Miso Ramen Noodles, and Chicken Souvlaki Skewers, and we’ll honestly be trying them again. You can choose meals your family is familiar with, or explore flavors and foods to try something brand new. Getting your kids involved with the prep is truly a great way to open up their interests into different foods. You never know, you may find a new favorite! I never imagined Jaiden eating noodles flavored with anything other than butter and salt, but he really enjoyed the Creamy Miso Ramen Noodles!



I honestly cannot say enough good things about our experience with Dinnerly! Convenience, fast meals, and great taste all wrapped up in a box delivered right to me. No lines, no need for a bra (this heat is serious), and no traffic, YES! I definitely call that a win in my book! If you’re looking to try out Dinnerly’s great meal options for your family, check out their selection at


Get social with Dinnerly for a peek at their newest dishes and special offers!


I received a Family Box from Dinnerly for review purposes. All thoughts and opinions in the above review are solely my own.